
Beach Fitness

Posted by Liz J. on Jul 12th 2017


May is here, flowers are in bloom, and the weather is warming up! From beach volleyball to yoga, there are many activities you can do on the beach to stay active and work on that beach bod. Today we take a look at running on the beach!

Running on the Beach

Running along the waves seems really romantic and fun, but where do you start? What do you wear? Here's a quick list:

1. Sunscreen! Spending more time outdoors, especially on the beach, will expose you to UV rays. Stay healthy and protected with a sunscreen designed for outdoor activities be sure that it's water-and sweat-proof! Protect your eyes as well with a good pair of sport sunglasses.

2. Shoes! As wonderful as running barefoot on a beach sounds, that really should be left to trained barefoot runners--on man-made beaches that are free from sharp shells, rocks and other dangers. Wear an old and reliable pair of running shoes--you'll want supportive shoes that can take a beating from salt, sun, and sand.

3. Socks! It may seems strange to wear socks to the beach, but higher socks will keep sand from rubbing between your feet and your sneakers, making it less likely that you'll end up with some not-so-fun blisters.

Another tip? Keep an eye on the tides. Low tides offer the hardest-packed sand, meaning that there will be less of an uneven surface and less strain on your knees and hips. There's an app for that.

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